Season’s Greetings!

This period is charged with natural phenomena, rituals and religious events.

It’s an invitation to go within and reflect on the year we’ve had, and set our intentions for what we’d like to harvest in the months to come.

10 days ago was the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and the start of the winter season. The days are getting longer, with up to 2 additional minutes a day in this period. Yesterday night was full moon, coupled with New Year’s Eve tonight.

These are all trigger points to help us be more conscious about what is happening around us in nature and within us, how it is affecting us, whether we’re more emotional, reflective, demonstrative of affection.

For me this was the first time in a while that I’ve stayed in the same place, and not escaped for some pre-winter sun 🌞 I’ve learned to appreciate autumn differently, with all that it brings.

I’ve experienced it as an invitation to slow down, to cocoon, to nurture myself.

An invitation to face an extended period of solitude, especially during lockdown, and acknowledge that it’s part of life.

An invitation to question some of my beliefs, and whether I’d integrated them for social conformity.

And the surprising bit was that I was to a certain extent, conforming not with my ‘mainstream’ social circles, but with my spiritual family. And I had conflicting feelings about it. Finding it hard to detach myself to a certain extent from a surrogate family, realising that some of their beliefs were not purely mine (which contributed to polarise my views on some topics); and at the same time,  feeling liberated as I was leaving behind baggage that wasn’t mine.

So here I am, shedding my leaves, letting go of what no longer serves, and setting my intentions for the next year. 

Are you clear on your intentions? Need help getting this clarity? Reach out and let’s chat ☺️ 

With Much Love,


Setting Intentions