Choice. There’s always a choice. But what if none of the options is really standing out? Follow the signs to guide your decision making.


Choice. There’s always a choice. But is it really an expression of Freedom or Free Will if none of the option is really standing out?

Doing or not doing. Taking or leaving. Going or staying. Following one’s gut or logic? Listening to others’ fears or trusting the universe?

Choice. Choice of cities. Choice of men. Choice of life.

Seeing the signs

I had a series of setbacks, flights cancelled, passport forgotten, meetings cancelled last minute, project funding not made available. And I started questioning if this was a message from the Universe to say that this back and forth travelling may not be right for me. That it’s an illusion. That even though I love travelling, a weekly work travel on top of my personal travel will impede on my me-time and not allow me to focus on my transition.


We sometimes dread transitions. We may not see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’re dealing with uncertainty. We can’t make plans or project ourselves. And it can be very frustrating. If we allow it to be. And if we’re impatient like I can be 😊 Here’s what I wrote in my journal:

‘Transition. Transition periods can be quite long and the process cumbersome. I must ensure that I remain true to myself and take the time to do what I need to do, and continue to evolve. Movement is good. Embracing change is good, and one of my strengths workwise’.

The questioning phase

I stayed in this questioning phase for a couple of months. The Madrid job didn’t materialise as fast as they’d hoped, so I was still a UK employee on paper, travelling weekly.

A golden opportunity

And I jumped on a golden opportunity that may not repeat itself. They were announcing an organisational restructure in the UK. Although not a voluntary one, I leveraged the fact that I had a good working relationship with my boss all the way to the CEO, and raised my hand to ask for an exit.

Finally turning the page

After 12 years at the bank, and 13 in London. I was ready to turn the page for good. And I felt great!

Ready to take the plunge? Want to chat? Would love to hear from you 😊

With Much Love,