A high achiever, the youngest head of department at that corporate bank in the City of London, I quit my job a year ago to embark on a journey of [re]discovery, [re]connection, [re]programming, that has led me, like Heidi, to the immensely inspiring Alps.

My transformation journey hasn’t been a straight line. It felt like a rollercoaster at times. Lots of doubts, fears, limiting beliefs. And, like a butterfly, I have emerged with an open heart that is now guiding my decisions. I have emerged stronger and wiser. Humbler. More connected to others. Living in harmony with nature. Appreciative of the simple pleasures of life.

Now that I have the best luxury of all – time! – I will be sharing my experience, hoping to spark some inspiration, motivation, and action. As a minimum, a different perspective on things.

Throughout the blog, you will see my raw feelings, the tools that helped me along the way, and hopefully guidance and courage to start your transformative journey.

With Much Love,
